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Happy new web site!
Posted January 06, 2013 by Julien Rabin & Trond Lossius

First thing first, we wish all Jamoma users a happy new year! We hope 2013 will be full of exciting and successful projects!

2013 page

In order to start 2013 in a good way, we thought it would be great to take the opportunity of the Christmas break to work on the Jamoma website. And quite a lot of work has been done. The look might be more or less the same, but the website has moved to a new platform – the nice nanoc web publishing system. It will now be much easier to create new content, and hopefully this will generate more activity here.

We also reorganized the various areas of the website, making it easier to navigate.

Worth noting is the “news” section containing the Jamoma blog. All posts have been migrated from the old blog system, so make sure you update your bookmarks! There are also added possibilities for joining in the discussions thorugh comments, and sharing content on Facebook or Twitter. In addition you might be interested in subscribing to the rss feed or to our monthly whenever newsletter.

The Jamoma presentation section also see some changes, and we will be further improving this over the coming weeks. You might notice that we have added a new project section; please feel free to send us a mail or drop a message on the forum if you have a nice project you would like to share with other Jamoma users.

A set of tutorials is an important new addition to the web site. From now on it will be much easier to add and extend tutorials, and hopefully this will make the rich possibilties that Jamoma offers more accessible. If you have particular wishes for topics that you would like to see tutorials on, please let us know, either in the comment fields or by sending us a mail.

We hope you will enjoy the new website. There might still be some rough edges here and there, so feel free to contact us if you notice anything unexpected. The web site is version-controlled and available from GitHub, so if you are in need of a similar web site for your project, you are actually able to use it as a point of departure for your own web development.

Of course, development-wise, quite a lot has happened since the previous post here at the Jamoma blog. We will keep you up to date pretty soon.

In the mean time, best wishes.

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